Services and Prices - B&B Montecarlo | bed and breakfast | beb PALERMO

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Services and Prices

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Bed and Breakfast Montecarlo - PALERMO
*** S e r V i c e s  ***
Private toilet for each room
Air conditioning
Free movies aviable in rooms
Free music aviable in rooms
Internet WI-FI free connection
PC & Internet station FREE
Touristic maps and brochures
PC internet consulting (on demand)
Special typical sicilian breakfasts (on demand)

B & B  M o n t e c a r l o  R e l a x  T e r a p y

B&B Montecarlo Palermo is also a relaxing place where a lot of feature are aviable, like a library, internet station, music and movies free.
Lot of Tea, coffe and chocolate  kinds are offered to guests.




Our prices

(prices vary according to season)

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